Tire Walls

Earthship Shipping Container Dawn Butterfly Cafe at Taos Pueblo – foundation construction

2025-01-25T18:00:48-07:00Categories: Buildings, Construction Materials, Taos, Tire Walls|

Construction on the Foundation Pounding Tires for phase 1 of placing the first two 40' shipping containers. The rammed earth encased in steel belted rubber will take the weight of the Earthship Shipping Container

Off Grid and Self-Sustaining Homes with Jonah Reynolds

2021-08-29T20:44:16-06:00Categories: Buildings, Catch Water, Disaster Relief, Electricity, Food, Heating & Cooling, How To, Permits, Tire Walls, Waste Water|

Have you heard of Earth Ships? This episode is with Jonah Reynolds, Earthship Biotect - which is the number one eco-construction and self-sufficient living design. Off-grid, self-sustainable houses. Absolutely an alternative investment. We

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