Pangea Builders

About Pangea

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So far Pangea has created 98 blog entries.

5 Reasons Why HempWool is the Best Insulation Choice for your Next Project

2021-11-30T08:41:14-07:00Categories: Heating & Cooling|

When we think of insulation often times, the color pink and the feeling of itchiness is what comes to mind. While insulation is designed to reduce energy costs, in that sense, any insulation could

Fiberglass Solar Glazing and Greenhouse Covering

2021-09-26T16:03:05-06:00Categories: Construction Materials|

Made from Sun-Lite® HP fiberglass glazing, a one-of-a-kind, high performance solar glazing material. Developed by Kalwall Corporation, Sun-Lite® HP is a lightweight, shatter-resistant low-cost solar glazing material that can be easily handled, cut and installed.

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