Earthship Shipping Container Dawn Butterfly Cafe at Taos Pueblo – foundation construction

2025-01-25T18:00:48-07:00Categories: Buildings, Construction Materials, Taos, Tire Walls|

Construction on the Foundation Pounding Tires for phase 1 of placing the first two 40' shipping containers. The rammed earth encased in steel belted rubber will take the weight of the Earthship Shipping Container

Pangea Podcast Episode 3: Jonah Reynolds Sustainable Off-Grid

2024-12-28T19:32:11-07:00Categories: Community, podcast|

Building Resilience: Disaster Relief and Climate-Informed Design with Jonah Reynolds Welcome back to the Pangea Podcast! In Episode 3, Jonah Reynolds, the innovative principal and founder of Pangea Design | Build, takes us

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