Earthships: New Solutions
An inspiring and personal story about a group of people building sustainable housing in the Baja California peninsula in Mexico, it also serves as an introductory guide to building alternative sustainable housing, as well
An inspiring and personal story about a group of people building sustainable housing in the Baja California peninsula in Mexico, it also serves as an introductory guide to building alternative sustainable housing, as well
A very simple and economical version of the Earthship concept in terms of construction and building. Pre-designed drawings and partially prefabricated construction packages available. It can be adapted to any climate It comes in any size It
The Simple Survival Model Earthship evolved from the very basic prototype we constructed in Haiti. The purpose of the original Haiti build was to reevaluate the concept of necessity. No matter how well the “developed world” Earthship prototypes
Two-bedroom, Two-bathroom Vaulted Global Model Earthship. The latest Earthship design. Better, more efficient in terms of performance and construction. Fits better into the hands of the people. Its load-bearing walls are made of discarded tires filled with sledgehammer-rammed dirt, lined
The Question of how a structural earth-rammed tire wall would do in a fire has long been an issue for which we could only offer an intelligent opinion. People think that because tire piles in tire dumps burn so easily
This building can be modified for almost any climate and comes in many sizes. It can also come in custom sizes. It has been built enough times that it has become a well oiled
You can get much bigger inverters on 24V or 48V than 12V. There are a number advantages in opting for a higher DC supply voltage. - For any given load, half the DC current
The Shaolin Temple diet is a balanced way of eating that can help you live a long, active and healthy life. It provides a simple and streamlined formula for preparing vegan macrobiotic meals with
40 years of research and development of self-sufficient housing made from recycled materials. This is an extensive study by the University of Wisconsin-Madison that was presented to us by the state of New Mexico.
Electricity free cooling based on ancient, global principles. These in-ground PVC cooling tubes are also known as air tubes, earth air tubes, a ground-coupled heat exchanger, an earth-air heat exchanger, thermal labyrinth, heat recovery