Pangea Builders

About pangea-admin

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So far pangea-admin has created 98 blog entries.

Building for Comfort and Efficiency: Key Themes from “Heating & Cooling Buildings”

2024-09-25T10:50:41-06:00Categories: Heating & Cooling|

listen to the podcast: Pangea Podcast Episode 5: Heating & Cooling Buildings 1. Passive Building: A Climate-Responsive Approach The document emphasizes the core principle of passive building: designing structures that effectively leverage natural elements

Pangea Podcast Episode 4: The Role of the WOM in Sustainable Water Management

2024-09-19T10:44:52-06:00Categories: podcast|

The "Water Organizing Module" (WOM), as described in the sources, is a key component of a sustainable water management system, primarily by enabling rainwater harvesting and filtration for various household needs. Here's how it

Pangea Biotecture: Pioneering Sustainable Architecture and Turn-Key Construction Across the Globe

2025-01-25T18:00:49-07:00Categories: Buildings, Community, How To, Taos|

Pangea Biotecture: Pioneering Sustainable Architecture and Turn-Key Construction Across the Globe At Pangea Biotecture, we are more than just builders—we are innovators and leaders in the world of sustainable architecture.

Earthship Shipping Container Dawn Butterfly Cafe at Taos Pueblo – foundation construction

2025-01-25T18:00:48-07:00Categories: Buildings, Construction Materials, Taos, Tire Walls|

Construction on the Foundation Pounding Tires for phase 1 of placing the first two 40' shipping containers. The rammed earth encased in steel belted rubber will take the weight of the Earthship Shipping Container

Pangea Podcast Episode 3: Jonah Reynolds Sustainable Off-Grid

2024-12-28T19:32:11-07:00Categories: Community, podcast|

Building Resilience: Disaster Relief and Climate-Informed Design with Jonah Reynolds Welcome back to the Pangea Podcast! In Episode 3, Jonah Reynolds, the innovative principal and founder of Pangea Design | Build, takes us

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